Just the oral aid you need for a breath of fresh air!

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Don't let ACNE be the bump in your way

Patch it, Hide it & Heal it!

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Give your smile the confidence it needs

A 7 day treatment for shinier whiter teeth

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Guard your Gum Line where your toothbrush doesn’t!

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A Range of Herbal Handmade Bathing Bars

Cleanse with Care!

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Your Health is our Priority!

#1 Tongue scraper

1252365+ Sold

More than 1 million MasterMedi Tongue Scrapers were sold in the USA




Single-Use Plastic Doesn’t Make Sense

Be part of the solution, not part of the pollution

Our Journey

The Crucial First Step

Getting Started

To begin with, we build ourselves an impressive e-commerce seller profile on eBay. We thoughtfully curated a portfolio of products from various brands that we believed in and promoted and sold these products globally.

The Requirement Revelation

Getting into the Production Line

In the two years that we were selling on eBay we realized that there was a growing need in the dental hygiene industry for sustainable oral care tools. Our vision for this range of products  was better efficiency and sustainability over the currently existing products.

This formed the background for our research and development of the prototype of our very first product The Stainless Steel Tongue Scraper.

The Conception of MasterMedi

Reaching our Customers

In 2015 we launched our brand MasterMedi with the Stainless Steel Tongue Scraper as our first product. At this time the market was flooded with cheaper alternatives which were not as effective and were causing irreversible damage to our environment. Getting our audience to see the difference and finding acceptance with them was the biggest challenge we faced this year.

Familiarizing with our customers

Widening our Reach

The past two were a truetest of our marketing strategies which we like to think that we aced. Our Tongue Scraper was acknowledged as the first most sustainable oral hygiene essential. Reaching this benchmark opened up opportunities to explore various ecommerce platforms where our product performance exceeded all expectations.

Expanding our range of products

Establishing Customer Relationships

In two years time we were able to establish a loyal client base catering to the needs of 100K customers in the United States. Our Copper Tongue Scraper and Dental Care Kit were two products which were successfully included in our range of products and received an amazing response from our customers.

An eco-friendly brand you can count on

Corporate Social Responsibility

More than 1 million MasterMedi Tongue Scrapers were sold in the USA giving us just the motivational milestone we needed to take our steps forward. Witnessing the harmful plastic scrapers being actively replaced by our more sustainable product filled us with a sense of accomplishment.

This is when we took our first CSR initiative to donate 2% of our annual profits to the NGOs we collaborated with.

MasterMedi: A Beloved Brand

Looking Ahead & Forward

Teeth Whitening Strips, Hydrocolloid Acne Patches and Handmade Bathing Bars were among other products which received a great deal of acknowledgement from our customers.

Our vision is to create products which are friendly to the user as well as our ecosystem. We look forward to investing our time and
effort into recognising the needs of our customers in line with our environment and developing efficient products which fulfill those needs and bringing them to your doorstep.